Not all diseases need drugs, because the body has natural mechanisms for healing several types of diseases. In order not to get caught up in drug consumption of excessive and irrational, identify the diseases that can heal itself.
Almost all types of diseases that are acute (short duration, not chronic) is self-limiting disease artau disease that will heal by itself. Some of them are triggered by disturbances in the human body's natural mechanism, but the majority are caused by viruses.
Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections can not be cured with antibiotics. Quoted from chestofbooks, Monday (07/01/2011), viral infections will heal by itself because the immune system will form the opposition to kill and get rid of these viruses.
Here are some types of diseases that include self-limiting disease and requires no special medication in addition to overcome the symptoms that accompany it.
1. Chickenpox
The disease is more frequently attacked small children is triggered by infection with varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox or chickenpox symptoms include itchy, red bumps all over his body and accompanied by high fever.
Although in healthy children can be cured by itself, chicken pox can also cause deadly complications. It is estimated that within a year there are about 100 people were killed and more than 14,000 people hospitalized for chickenpox complications including asthma, pneumonia and dehydration from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Although the remains were given antiviral, treatment for this disease more intended to overcome the symptoms and prevent infection broadcaster. For example, lowering the heat to overcome the fever, calamine to reduce itching and antiseptic for bathing or cleaning the body.
2. Flu and colds
Common cold or flu is transmitted by the influenza virus, not by bacteria, such as that alleged by some people. Therefore, antibiotics do not need to be given if not accompanied by inflammation and fever, which indicated the presence of accompanying infection by bacteria.
Antibiotics are often of no use, because treatment is needed more on the flu and colds are symptomatic medications or reducing symptoms. For example, decongestants to relieve throat, allergy to sneezing and cough if required.
Multivitamin supplement is also important to be given under these conditions, because it can enhance the immune system or immune. Naturally, a healthy immune system by itself will form a resistance to the flu virus.
3. Coughing that is not accompanied by inflammation
Coughing is a natural mechanism in the body to remove foreign matter from the respiratory tract. Without having to be treated, usually coughing will stop when the stimulation of foreign body was gone.
New cough need antitussives or cough if very disturbing events and trigger inflammation because it does not heal.
This type of productive cough accompanied by phlegm that may not even be stopped, but need to be given or thinning phlegm expectorant for phlegm-phlegm spending could go more smoothly.
4. Nonspecific diarrhea
Diarrhea is divided into 2 types, namely specific diarrhea and nonspecific diarrhea. Specific diarrhea caused by bacterial infection, while nonspecific diarrhea is a natural mechanism to remove foreign objects that are considered dangerous by the digestive tract.
Specific Diarrhea is characterized by fever and was diagnosed based on laboratory examination. Drugs should be given to this one type of diarrhea is antibiotic, with the type and strength, adjusted for the type of bacteria in the test results.
While nonspecific diarrhea occurring among others after eating chili too much, do not need to be treated because it will heal by itself. During felt not too distracting activity, this condition is treated with oral rehydration salts for dehydration or anticipate the loss of body fluids.
5. Allergies itching
Although some types of antihistamines or allergy medications can be purchased freely, does not mean that this drug should be used every time you experience itching due to allergies. Allergic reactions occur only if there is a trigger factor, so the most appropriate step is to avoid things that trigger it.
Antihistamine drug should only be consumed if the allergy triggering factors is not inevitable, for example, cold weather. Certain types of foods can still be avoided if it is better to avoid it rather than having to take medication.
6. Acne white spots
Many are offering medicines to get rid of pimples or acne vulgaris in the face. And all along is not accompanied by infection, ordinary acne that often have white spots in it will be lost if the cleanliness and levels of oil on the skin surface is always in control.
Most of the acne can be caused by blockage of oil glands by dirt or used make-up is not cleaned. The function of the oil itself is keeping the skin moist so as not to dry and chapped.
7. Molluscum contagiosum
Skin disease characterized by bumps (papulla) clear and watery is caused by viral infections and more common in children than adults. Because it was also found around the genitals and can be transmitted through direct contact, the disease is often mistaken for sexually transmitted diseases.
Although not dangerous, the lumps that can rupture when scratched or carded so that opens the door for an infection in the scar. But for individuals with good immune system, skin diseases can be cured itself within 6-12 months.
8. Chikungunya
The disease is caused by a type of virus called alphaviruses and is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Symptoms include high fever accompanied by shivering until the bitter sense of pain until the muscle and bone so that bone is also called the flu.
Although the symptoms are very severe, the virus that causes the disease is not eradicated so that the medicine given only to manage symptoms such as fever were given to overcome the fever. Fortunately, these symptoms only last between 5-10 days and will heal by itself.
9. Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD)
Diseases hand, foot and mouth is caused by infection with various types of viruses from the family Picornaviridae especially enterovirus 71 (EV-71). The virus is more common in infants and young children, especially in the summer.