Men can indeed continue to produce sperm until old age. But not with wet dreams erotic dreams under certain circumstances this can be stopped. When will men stop a wet dream?
In theory, wet dreams or erotic dreams that end with ejaculation experienced by men as a marker of the arrival of puberty. Wet dream signifies that the function of male reproductive system to produce sperm cells has been running.
Each period, sperm maturation and would have expelled naturally through wet dreams. Sperm can also be out before the time when men engage in sexual activities that end in orgasm for example, masturbation and intercourse (coitus).
Therefore, the frequency of wet dream would be reduced significantly if a man become sexually active. The more often men intercourse or masturbation, wet dreams will happen even more rarely can be stopped altogether if the sperm is always removed by force.
Dr David Delvin, reproductive health experts in Britain say most of the men most often experience a wet dream in their teens to 30s. The more parents will increasingly rare experience, although some men can routinely wet dreams until the age of the 70s years.
Because sperm production is never limited by age, basically a healthy male can have wet dreams at any age to pick her death. It's just that at a certain age, men will marry and become more sexually active so that by itself will decrease the frequency of wet dreams.
Sexual activity is not only to increase in married men, even if mostly bachelor men masturbate so rarely or never wet dream. In fact, according to research only 13 percent of men who ejaculated first through a wet dream, the rest are familiar masturbate before getting wet dream.
Some men troubled by wet dreams
Although the form of erotic dreams, the fact that not all men really enjoy the experience of wet dreams. At least, some men will complain when you wake up and find patches of sperm everywhere, including pants, and mattress.
"Nothing can be done to stop a wet dream except to increase sexual activity. If spotting sperm disturbing, use a pair of shorts and go get a tissue or small towel on the bed," says Dr Delvin as quoted from Netdoctor, Tuesday (01/11/2011 .)
Another reason that makes him feel uncomfortable when having a wet dream is the dream afraid of things that are considered taboo. For example, men who live in certain norms to be afraid of pressure wet dream because it was always dreaming of sex with same sex or with their own relatives (incest).
For this type of disturbance like this, Dr Delvin recommend consulted with a psychiatrist. Various therapies including hypnosis can be done to uncover the psychological issues behind the dream and fantasy that happens to control the subconscious.