Malnutrition during pregnancy and premature birth can make a child born Dengah small weights. This condition can be dangerous because it was born with weight less than 2.5 kg could increase the child is suffering from diabetes and heart disease as adults.
Why do low-weight babies can get diabetes?
According to Professor of Human Ecology Faculty of IPB, Prof Ir H Hardiansyah, MS., PhD, babies born with low weight would have a small internal organs. Internal organs finally make the child unable to meet the needs of his body.
"If a small weight, the pancreas is also small and imperfect, and is unable to meet the body's insulin needs. Moreover, usually the birth parents are forcing small children to get fat when it entered the age of children and adolescents. It is increasingly unable to make ends meet organ her body, finally yes risky dangerous diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke, "said Prof. Hardiansyah, who is also General Chairman of Indonesian Food Pergizi," explained Prof. Hardiansyah, Monday (01/31/2011).
Babies with birth weight below 2500 grams (2.5 kg) including the low weight, whereas if the birth weight of less than 1,500 grams (1.5 kg) including the very low weight.
Factors causing the low-weight babies, among others, lack of nutrition during pregnancy, birth prematurely (premature) or because the pregnancy is indeed small.
"Lack of nutrition during pregnancy can make a child born with a small weight. If it weighs less than 2,500 grams, then when aged 35-45 years riskier get diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, the so-saving package for further toward nature," explains Prof. Hardiansyah.
Prof. Hardiansyah said that the ideal birth weight is 2.5 to 3 kg. Babies born with excess body weight was not good, because in addition to endangering the health of the baby alone, babies born too large can harm the mother.
"Her mother was so quick experiencing bone loss, because during pregnancy the need for zinc, iron, calcium and other nutrients absorbed by the fetus," explains Prof. Hardiansyah.
To that end, Prof. Hardiansyah said that the human diet for pregnant women is extremely important, both for mother and baby who.
"Pregnant women should eat if you were satisfied. Beda with adults and elderly people who have stopped eating before feeling full, pregnant women should stop eating when he felt satisfied," concludes Prof. Hardiansyah.