Known flu germs spread easily in air and can infect anyone who has a weak immune system. But really how long this flu germs can survive outside the body?
To determine how long the flu germs can survive outside the body was varied and depending on where the droplets of liquid or air containing these germs fall.
As quoted from the Mayo Clinic on Wednesday (01/19/2011), some experiments showed a potential survival time of these flu germs from a few minutes to 48 hours or more depending on the surface of what the container fall of liquid droplets containing the virus. As for knowing how long these germs capable of infecting humans in everyday life is more difficult to resolve.
Researchers have repeatedly found that flu germs is generally on much longer if dropped on the surface of stainless steel, plastic or other hard surface, than if he fell on the cloth or a soft surface.
In addition, several other factors also affect how long the flu germs can remain active outside the body, such as the number of viruses that exist on the surface, temperature and humidity environment.
The important thing to note is that the flu virus spreads, especially when someone who is not infected had direct contact such as a handshake with an infected person. While other distribution occurred indirectly, such as rubbing the nose after handling an item that contains germs flu.
One of the best ways to avoid germs flu or a cold is frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Also try to stop the bad habit of rubbing his eyes or bite your nails.