To be able to get a long life, the heart is one organ that absolutely must be kept healthy. Heart disorders can be deadly, so prevention becomes the wisest step to avoid sudden death from heart attack.
Holly Andersen, a researcher from the Ronald O Perelman Heart Institute in New York, explains some good habits that can be applied in everyday life for awake cardiac health. Starting from the trivial things such as walking up to find the vital numbers.
Quoted from Indiavision, Thursday (1/13/2011), the following good habits in question.
1.Know the vital figures
Before there was a problem with the heart, it's good to know the important numbers that are indicators of heart health. Among these are blood pressure, pulse rate, levels of total fat, cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. Walk
The flurry of activity that is always solid and should not be a reason for not exercising. Every now and then leave a private vehicle and walked toward the nearest bus stop to ride public transportation to the office. Simply by walking for 20-30 minutes a day, the risk of premature death from heart attack can be reduced by 50 percent.
3. Laugh as often as possible
Even if to just walk away just still hard to take the time, try to laugh more often. Speaking of burning calories, laughed uproariously for 15 minutes can be synchronized with the aerobics for 30 minutes. Laughter also suppress the release of the stress hormone cortisol, so that more blood pressure under control.
4. Note the waist circumference
The mistake that often happens is that people are too worried about weight, whereas the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and heart problems more precisely associated with waist circumference. Central obesity or belly fat fatty liver indicate that causes cholesterol levels difficult to control.
5. Enough sleep
Staying up late into the night not only makes the body feel tired the next day. Lack of sleep also can increase stress and blood pressure so that it can give a bad impact on heart health. It seems trivial but adequate rest is an important requirement that must be met if you want to live long.