The brain is an important part in the human body. Various simple activities to keep the brain stay healthy, one of which also keep the heart. What is good for the heart is also good for the brain.
Things that can cause heart disease can also affect the work and brain health. For example, plaque and artery damage that can cause heart attacks, also can cause a stroke.
Therefore, the action is good for the heart such as controlling cholesterol and blood pressure, exercising, eating healthy foods, which is beneficial to the heart would also be good for the brain.
"Genes and certain conditions may play a role in memory loss, brain tumors, stroke and other brain disorders," said Dr. Keith L. Black, Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles and Director of the Maxine Dunitz Neurosurgical Institute, as reported by HealthDay, Monday (09/05/2011).
But according to Dr. Black, brain health is not completely out of control. In addition to activities that can nourish the heart, there are several other ways that can reduce the risk of disease and brain injury, among others:
1. Wearing a helmet
Wearing a helmet or protective head while driving (riding a motorcycle or bicycle) or during a particular exercise can prevent the occurrence of incidents or accidents that are not desirable, especially to the head such as brain concussion even a serious head injury. This not only applies to adults but also children.
2. Exercises to train the brain
The brain can be trained by doing puzzles and games or activities such as reading, learning languages or knitting. Research shows that brain exercises can help prevent some decline in memory and prevent dementia or senile.
3. Healthy lifestyle
Eat nutritious foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and high-quality protein also can make the brain stay sharp and healthy.
Also, avoid alcohol, quit smoking, enough sleep and control of stress through relaxation, meditation or olaharag also can keep the brain functioning properly.
4. Learn the symptoms of stroke and seek immediate help
Do not be fooled by the notion that not a stroke can strike people at younger ages. 25 percent of all strokes occur in young people less than 65 years and even young adults and children can suffer a stroke. How to prompt treatment can limit a permanent impairment of brain function.
5. Use a headset or speakers using a mobile phone
While early studies found no evidence that radio frequency waves from mobile phones increases the risk of brain tumors, but Dr. Black said the impact could be evidence for decades. So the best way to prevent this is to be careful and you should use a headset or a speaker when you talk via phone.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer Suffered Most Women

Cervical cancer and breast cancer are the two types most widely detected in Indonesia. This deadly disease generally attacks women of childbearing age. Indonesia Cancer Foundation data show, caused cervical cancer Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most common type of cancer. The amount is nearly 27 percent of all cancer cases in Indonesia. Of the cases recorded, 70 percent of patients knew the time had an advanced stage. These conditions make treatment more difficult and increases mortality
But prevention can still be done to improve an unhealthy lifestyle, avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners, young age or sex. Another way is to conduct early detection through pap smear or examination method to the doctor with a method of IVA (Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid). This method directly check the condition of the cervix by applying a solution of 3-5 percent acetic acid. If after the outward appearance is 3-5 percent acetic acid color change, such as white patches appear, it could be a symptom of cervical precancer.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
How to Lower Cancer Risk

There is a cancer center or alternative cancer treatment that can promise a cure. However, it is important to note that we have the power to raise or lower our cancer risk. In fact, the choices we make in daily life appears to have a major impact our chances of contracting cancer. "Evidence shows that one-third of the 550,000 cancer deaths that occur in the United States each year are caused by unhealthy diets and physical inactivity" (Source: Dr. Tim Byers, and Colleen Doyle, MS, RD of the American Cancer Society).
Experts, such as those at the American Cancer Society, point to some behavior modification can be done to reduce cancer risk. For example, wear and minimize exposure to sunlight may reduce the risk of skin cancer. Reduce or stop smoking altogether will reduce the risk of various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth and throat cancer. Other lifestyle changes that can reduce cancer risk include limiting alcohol consumption and high fat foods.
Although rarely mentioned in major media, scientists now realize that perhaps the biggest cause of cancer in our society today is the lack of exercise. As a matter of fact, no statement to say that the best cancer insurance you can buy today is to invest in gym memberships.
"For most Americans who do not smoke, eat healthy foods and being physically active is the most important ways to reduce cancer risk" (Source: Dr. Tim Byers, and Colleen Doyle, MS, RD of the American Cancer Society). Regular exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight, which is important for cancer prevention. Being overweight or obese have a higher risk of several cancers, including breast and colon cancer, esophageal cancer, and kidney cancer.
"Being overweight is working in a variety of ways to increase the risk of cancer. This includes mechanical ways that obesity causes stomach acid reflux into the esophagus, and hormonal means, in which obesity increases circulating levels of hormones such as estrogen and insulin that can stimulate cancer growth. Achieve ideal body weight does not need the first goal, though, such as substantial benefits can be derived from the first stop weight gain, then starts to reach a modest amount of weight loss. "(Source: Dr. Tim Byers, and Colleen Doyle, MS, RD of the American Cancer Society). The only way to get the weight and normalize hormone balance is through regular exercise.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Burn Injury Treatment

Here are some tips that can be used as guidelines for dealing with burns:
For minor burns and were:
1. Appropriate treatment was immediately drenched, soaked, or placed under flow of water for several minutes. It can also be compressed with a towel soaked in cold water first. Do not use ice cubes or cold water. Enough with plain water to reduce heat on the skin. After that, apply an antibacterial lotion to prevent infection. Cover the affected area with sterile, dry bandage.
2. Never treat burns using butter, oil, salt, soy sauce, lime water, toothpaste and others. These materials can result in infection.
3. Keep the patient from heat source. Suppose he terjilat fire, remind him to roll around, instead of running because this action will only raise the fire flame. Flush with water or selimuti patients with wet cloth
4. Do not break the skin bubbles arising from burns, to prevent infection.
5. Do not wrap the wound with absorbent cotton because it will stick to the wound. For mild and moderate burns, cover the wound with a bandage dry.
6. At the time of healing, try not to scratch the scar. This will lead to defective wound / scar on the skin.
7. Avoid contact of sunlight during healing, because result of new skin tissue damaged.
8. For burns result from exposure to chemicals, should be immediately washed with water as much as possible. Better yet, wash it under tap water.
9. Immediately to the Emergency Room in case of burns on the face, joints, or genitals, or have been experiencing shortness of breath due to fire disturbance.
Meanwhile, to help victims of severe burns:
1. Immediately wrap the patient with a clean cloth, and brought to the hospital.
2. Open the clothes the patient carefully, that is by cutting the clothes are attached to the burns. Do not pull it.
3. If the patient is conscious, give Moyen solution, namely a mixture of 1 liter water + 5 grams of salt (NaCl) + 4 grams of baking soda (NaHC03). Give a little bit to get the patient does not vomit.
4. If the patient loses consciousness, check breathing and pulse. If there is interference, perform cardiac pulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration.
Dealing with accidents result from exposure to electric current:
1. The first thing to do is to cut off the electricity it as soon as possible. Disconnect the flow by pulling the plug from the ignition or remove fuses.
2. Then remove the patient from items that contain the flow of electricity by using things that do not deliver electricity. For example, a piece of dry branches or boards.
3. Helper must be isolated, for example by standing on a dry board, piles of newspapers or dry clothes.
4. After contact with the electricity cut off, immediately go victims of respiratory and heart rate. While calling a doctor, immediately do cardiac pulmonary resuscitation if the heart rate did not seem
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Breast Cancer

What is Breast Cancer?
The body consists of many types of cells. Normally, cells divide and multiply when the body repair the injured tissue and replace the damaged tissue. This systematic process helps keep the body healthy. Sometimes cells keep dividing when new cells are not needed, and these extra cells form a mass of tissue or a group of abnormal cells, called tumor. Tumors can be benign or malignant. Benign tumors are not cancer. They usually can be removed, and in most cases they do not come back. Benign tumor cells do not spread to other parts of the body. Most important, benign breast tumors are not life threatening.
Location of Breast Cancer Spread (metastasis)
Cancer is a malignant cancer cells are not normal. These cells divide uncontrollably, and they can be separated from primary malignant cancer cells (primary) and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system, damaging the surrounding tissue and organs. When cancer occurs in breast tissue and spreads outside the breast, breast cancer cells are often found in lymph nodes axillary (armpit). If the cancer has reached that point, it means that cancer cells may have spread to other parts such as bone, liver, or lungs. The spread of cancer is called metastasis.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Relations Between Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Asbestos consists of very fine silicate fibers. Asbestos is used because it has many good qualities, such as can not be burned, both for electrical isolation, no rot, has a mechanical strength, and easily mixed with inorganic and organic solvents. During this time asbestos was used in a 3000 products, including flooring materials, asbestos-cement plates, chemical building materials, textiles, brake and clutch lining.
The effect on health depends on the size of the fiber (length <5 / 1000 mm, diameter <3 / 1000 mm). Asbestos can cause chronic lung disease (asbestose), lung cancer, and mesothelioma (lining of the chest and abdominal tumor). Duration of time between contacts of asbestos until the disease appears is between 20-40 years. The more young people, the longer the loading of asbestos and the higher the concentration, so the higher the risk of occurrence of the disease.
The concentration of asbestos in the air is highest when working with asbestos-containing materials (eg, repair or demolition).
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Tips for Controlling Cholesterol

In the body there is fat that consists of bad cholesterol called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), where fat can be attached to the blood vessels. While the good cholesterol known as HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) is to dissolve fat content of LDL in the body. Normal cholesterol in the body is 160-200 mg, the accumulation of LDL content must be prevented in order to remain in normal circumstances. Here are some tips that you can control the cholesterol in the blood.
Tips for Controlling Cholesterol
Here are some tips you can do to control your cholesterol:
Consumption of foods that are low in fat and cholesterol. For example, by consuming milk without the fat and reduce consumption of meat. Choose foods with unsaturated fat than saturated fat content. Oil used to fry repeatedly to raise cholesterol levels, then you'll want to reduce the consumption of fried foods.
Consumption of fiber
Consume more fibrous foods such as wheat, beans, vegetables and fruits. These foods can absorb cholesterol in the blood and remove it from the body.
Consumption of antioxidants
Antioxidants found in many fruits such as oranges, strawberries, papaya, carrots, or squash. Eating garlic regularly can lower cholesterol.
Avoid alcohol and smoking
With smoke or consume alcohol, be easy to accumulate cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Exercise regularly according to age and ability. Keep your body weight remains the ideal.
Healthy foods, be careful, dangerous or abstinence?
As mentioned above, food is an important thing that can cause cholesterol. The following table you can make reference to what foods you should eat or to reduced consumption.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Impotence, Alarm Damages Blood Vessels

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is more often perceived as a symptom of aging in men. And, in fact impotence can be an alarm of the early symptoms of vascular disorders, such as diabetes or heart disease.
The experts who used to regard as a matter of psychological impotence and aging, are now beginning to believe that the cause of impotence is the most physical illnesses, like diabetes, hardening of the arteries, thyroid disorders or injury to the penis. Meanwhile, anxiety, stress, or medication will exacerbate the problem.
"Many diseases associated men with erectile dysfunction. Therefore, erection problems can be an alarm for other diseases that really has not been detected," said dr. Nur Rashid, Sp.U, chairman of the urology department of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
He explains, for penile erection blood vessel happened to be in good condition. If there is a blockage of blood vessels that lead to the penis so it is probable impotence.
"The blood vessels around the vital organs are smaller than blood vessels in the heart. Therefore, if there is a disturbance in the penis, in the long term disruption may occur also in the heart," said dr. Nur Rashid.
Nerve damage leading to and leaving the penis can also cause impotence. This nerve damage can occur due to diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, stroke, lower spine disease, rectal surgery or drugs.
Sometimes impotence also occur due to low testosterone levels, but the decline in male hormones are more often cause reduced libido.
Impotence start experienced by many men who are aged over 40 years. Research in 2008 showed 49 percent of men aged 40-59 years answered could always erect during intercourse and 39 percent answered usually erect.
Meanwhile, men aged over 60 years the vast majority (45 percent) said that his erection is often disrupted and only 18 percent who claimed to always be able to get an erection.
Therefore it is important for a man to maintain optimum health, one of them by conducting regular medical check ups. Conducting a healthy lifestyle can also prevent disruption in vital organs. For example, by exercising regularly, reducing fat and increasing fiber intake, rest sufficiently, and managing stress.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
76 Impact of Sugar to Your Health

Excess sugar can lead to a number of important health consequences. Here is a list of the metabolic consequences caused by the sugar from several medical journals and other scientific publications.
1. Sugar can lower your immune system and damage your defense against disease due to infection.
2. Sugar composition of minerals interfere with the body, resulting in a lack of chromium and copper as well as interfere with the absorption of calcium and magnesium.
3. Sugar can lead to a drastic increase of the hormone adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty to concentrate, and the rapid nature of the offense on a child.
4. Sugar can cause a significant increase in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad cholesterol, and decrease in good cholesterol.
5. Sugar will cause a loss of tissue elasticity and function of our bodies.
6. Sugar feeds cancer cells and shown to relate to the development of breast cancer, ovarian, prostate, rectum, pancreas, biliary tract, lung, gallbladder and stomach cancer.
7. Sugar can increase fasting blood glucose levels and can cause reactive hypoglycemia.
8. Sugar can weaken eyesight.
9. Sugar can cause many problems with the digestive tract including: an acidic digestive tract, dyspepsia (indigestion), failure of absorption of food in patients with large bowel disease, increased risk of Chron's disease, and colitis accompanied by injury.
10. Sugar can cause premature aging.
11. Sugar can support on alcoholism.
12. Sugar can cause your saliva becomes more acidic, causing tooth decay and periodontal disease.
13. Sugar can cause obesity.
14. Sugar can cause autoimmune diseases such as: arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis.
15. Sugar Albican encourage increased growth of candida (yeast infection).
16. Sugar can cause gallstones.
17. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
18. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
19. Sugar can cause varicose veins (varicose veins).
20. Sugar can increase glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
21. Sugar can cause osteoporosis.
22. Sugar can cause a decrease in your insulin sensitivity thereby causing high insulin levels are not normal and eventually diabetes.
23. Sugar can lower your vitamin E levels.
24. Sugar can increase your systolic blood pressure.
25. Sugar can cause drowsiness and reduce activity in children.
26. Consuming excess sugar will increase the Advanced glycation End products (AGEs) (Sugar molecules that attach to and thereby damaging proteins in the body).
27. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein in the body.
28. Sugar can cause food allergies.
29. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
30. Sugar can cause eczema in children.
31. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
32. Sugar can damage your DNA structure.
33. Sugar can change the structure of the protein and cause permanent abnormalities of the way proteins work in your body.
34. Sugar raises the aging of the skin by changing the structure of collagen.
35. Sugar can cause cataracts and nearsightedness.
36. Sugar can cause emphisema.
37. Excess sugar consumption can damage the state of physiological homeostasis of many systems in your body.
38. GLA reduce the ability of the body's enzymes to function.
39. There are a lot of sugar consumption in patients with Parkinson's disease.
40. Sugar can increase the size of your liver by making the liver cells divide and can increase the amount of liver fat.
41. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney such as the formation of kidney stones.
42. Sugar can damage your pancreas.
43. Sugar can increase your body's fluid retention.
44. Sugar is enemy number 1 on your bowel movements.
45. Sugar can harm your capillary layer.
46. Sugar can make your tendons (tendons) become more fragile.
47. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine.
48. Sugar can reduce the capacity of understanding and disrupt children's learning ability.
49. Sugar can cause an increase in delta brain wave, alpha, and theta which can disrupt the brain's ability to think clearly.
50. Sugar can cause depression.
51. Sugar can increase the risk of uric acid.
52. Sugar can increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
53. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalances such as: increasing estrogen in men, exacerbating PMS, and reduce growth hormone.
54. Sugar can cause dizziness.
55. Daily food rich in sugar will increase free radicals and stress oxidatif.
56. Daily diet rich in sucrose with peripheral vascular disease subjects significantly increases platelet adhesion.
57. Consumption of sugar in high levels of teenage pregnancy can lead to a decrease will most associated with pregnancy and will double the risk of premature delivery.
58. Sugar is an addictive substance.
59. Sugar can be intoxicating, just like alcohol.
60. Sugar if given to premature infants can result in the amount of carbon dioxide produced.
61. Reducing sugar intake can increase emotional stability.
62. Your body convert sugar into fat 2-5 times more than the starch in your blood.
63. The absorption of sugar in a row will cause excessive food consumption in obese subjects.
64. Sugar can worsen the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children.
65. Sugar adversely effect on urinary electrolyte composition.
66. Sugar can slow down the ability of your adrenal glands to function.
67. Sugar has the potential to cause abnormal metabolic processes in normal and healthy individuals, and can lead to chronic degenerative diseases.
68. Giving intravenous sugar water can cut off oxygen supply to your brain.
69. Sugar increases the risk of polio.
70. Excess sugar consumption can cause epileptic seizures.
71. Sugar causes high blood pressure in obese people.
72. In the intensive care unit: limiting sugar to save lives.
73. Sugar can cause cells to die.
74. In the Kemp-Kemp rehabilitation for juvenile delinquents, when children are given a daily diet low in sugar, there was a decrease of 40% will be antisocial behavior.
75. Sugar causes dehydration in newborn infants.
76. Sugar can cause gum disease.

Vegetarian lifestyle is becoming the trend of healthy living are more and more people followed. In the United States recorded 4 million people as a vegetarian lifestyle. Compared to the general population, people vegetarians have a body mass index (BMI) is low, low cholesterol, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and coronary disease. Sounds interesting is not it?
Kinds of vegetarians
There are various types of vegetarian diets. By definition, a vegetarian does not eat meat, poultry, or fish. There is a vegan who eats eggs and dairy products, some are eating dairy products but do not eat eggs. The most is that only eat vegetables. They do not eat anything of animal origin such as milk, eggs and honey. Whatever the choice, nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B12 remains should be a priority.
Selecting protein
Animal proteins contain various essential amino acids the body needs and a vegetarian of course not always get it. To obtain various kinds of protein, vegetarians should consume a variety of nuts, legumes leguminous and grains of rice. For example, beans are rich in the amino acid lysine but poor in sulfur-containing amino acids. The reverse applies to the type of rice grains. So, eating foods that contain beans and rice is the best way to get a balanced intake of protein.
Replace it with soy
Soybean and its processed products is a very rich source of protein. The protein produced actually almost similar to the proteins in meat. Various kinds of food can be made from soy such as tempeh, tofu, and others.
Substitution food menu
One way to move easily become a vegetarian is to enrich your diet with meal replacement ingredients derived from plant material. For example, replace the beef satay with satay tempeh and others.
Advantages vegetarian diet
People vegetarians tend to have a slim body and the risk of suffering from dangerous diseases decreased dramatically. This is because a vegetarian diet to increase consumption of phytochemicals. This substance is found in many fruits and vegetables are colored. Lutein found in broccoli while lycopene found in tomatoes. Phytochemicals are powerful antioxidants and are believed to protect the body from cancer.
Lack of vegetarian diet
Regardless of the good of the adequacy of nutrition, a vegan may experience shortages of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. A vegan prone to iron deficiency, vitamin B12, zinc, calcium and vitamin D. Try to always learn about the nutritional content of each food you consume if you decide to become a vegetarian.
Vitamin D and calcium
If you consume milk, cheese and yogurt, you will not need to worry about lack of calcium to strengthen bones. Well, the problem occurs if you are a vegetarian then you should look for alternative sources of calcium. Several alternative sources of calcium from plants such as fortified soy milk, orange juice, grains, nuts and some green vegetables. People who refuse to drink milk also will lose a source of vitamin D. The perpetrators of vegetarians can get vitamin D from sunlight, and when less can be added from supplements.
Although zinc are often found on the vegetarian menu but not as good absorption in the intestine of zinc comes from meat. The solution it must consume foods that contain zinc in large quantities. Good sources of zinc include milk, cheese, wheat, peanuts, soy, legumes.
Red meat is the main source of iron, as well as green vegetables, roasted peanuts, fortified cereals and grain. As with zinc, iron from plants is not easily absorbed by the body so that it takes food in large quantities or in combination with vitamin C that can facilitate the absorption of iron.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are good fats that are very useful for lowering blood pressure and heart healthy. These fatty acids are found in fatty fish and eggs. If you do not consume both types of food then you should look for alternative sources of omega-3 fatty acid to another. Pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, walnuts and soya oil is the right choice.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause muscle weakness and fatigue. This vitamin is only sourced from foods of animal origin such as meat, eggs and milk. So, a vegetarian must consume vitamin B12 supplements to avoid deficiency of this essential nutrient.
Vegetarianism in young children
Some parents wondered whether a vegetarian lifestyle may be the child or adolescent child? The experts argue, a vegetarian lifestyle in children not only can but also has some advantages. In a study of 5,000 children, researchers found that vegetarian diet is much healthier than non-vegetarian diet. Just be aware of the adequacy of nutrition, especially protein and fat.
Part-time vegetarian
You do not need to be vegan seven days a week to get some profit vegetarian lifestyle. Not eating meat a day or two days a week is enough to reduce consumption of saturated fats and bad cholesterol. Life became a vegetarian when it began to eat vegetarian easy because the house was pretty much spread across several major cities in Indonesia.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Oral Sex Causes Throat Cancer is considered as the primary compared to cigarettes

So far, the most widely regarded cigarettes cause throat cancer. But recent findings indicate that the virus is spread through oral sex is now a cause
primary cancer of the throat.
Scientists who conducted the study shows that the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is spread during unprotected sex can cause mouth cancer is potentially lethal in recent decades.
To that end, physicians now have many calling for the boys also perform HPV vaccination as girls, to stop the spread of the HPV virus.
"HPV is transmitted through sexual intercourse is a cause larger than some oral cancer than tobacco," explained Prof. Maura Gillison of Ohio State University in Columbus, as reported by Dailymail on Monday (2/21/2011).
According to Prof. Gillison, although scientific evidence has not fully know whether the vaccine can protect people from infection with HPV that cause cancer, but so far has proven highly effective vaccine. HPV vaccine 90 percent effective in preventing viral infection which also causes cervical cancer in women.
Physicians increasingly worried that the virus is spread through sexual activity is behind the increase in cancer.
In England the incidence of throat cancer increased sharply, while in the U.S. incidence of oral cancer associated with HPV be doubled in the last 20 years.
According to Prof. Gillison, in Sweden in the 1970s, about a quarter of thyroid cancer associated with HPV, but in the mid 2000s to 90 percent figure.
"That's the most interesting data, in a population with an increased cancer tonsular or oropharynx cancer incidence we see in several places around the world, may be caused by HPV," she said.
Prof. Dr. Gillison said, someone who is infected with HPV 16, the strains of HPV virus associated with oral cancer, increasing the risk to 14 times lipta had oropharyngeal cancer (cancer of the tongue, throat or tonsils).
"The most strongly associated with oral HPV infection is the number of sexual partners who perform oral sex activity. The more sex partners you have, the more likely you are infected with oral HPV," explained Prof. Dr. Gillison.
Last year a study at Johns Hopkins University found that HPV caused a greater risk of cancer than cigarettes or alcohol.
American study on 300 participants showed that people with more than six sexual partners, nearly nine times more at risk of contracting the disease
this. While people who have had prior oral HPV infection, 32 times more likely to develop cancer.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hot Chocolate Healthier Than Chocolate Candy

Besides flowers, a gift most often given to loved ones on Valentine's day is chocolate. It is better to choose the chocolate powder, chocolate drink hot for more heart healthy than chocolate chewing.
"In relation to heart health, drinking hot chocolate is as good as a glass of wine, namely reducing the risk of heart attack," said Lona Sandon, a diet expert at the University of Texas, as quoted from HealthNewsDigest.
Powdered chocolate, especially dark chocolate is processed from having the most high-flavanol content than any other chocolate and processed form. Flavanol compound is one which has the effect of protecting the heart from damage.
Ingredients other than pure cocoa powder is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage, especially cells making the blood vessels leading to the heart. Healthy blood vessels will ensure smooth blood flow and is not easily clogged.
According to Sandon, various benefits will be reduced when the chocolate is cocoa powder is processed into chocolate or chocolate candy bars. The addition of sugar, milk and butter add calories, which indirectly is hazardous for the heart.
High calories can trigger obesity in people who rarely exercise. For people with diabetes, increased blood sugar due to excess calories can not be tolerated by the production of insulin that could endanger his health.
In addition, the structure of fat in milk and butter used in chocolate candy and chocolate bars can also be changed during processing so that the bad fats. The bad fats in the blood to clot easily, and can lead to blockages and heart attacks.
Low fat dairy can lower blood pressure

The best effort made to lower the blood pressure is to drink and eat nutritious food. Though slowly but nutritional substances can make a gradual decrease blood pressure monitor. As these three types of drinks!
Food and beverages has a share in controlling blood pressure. If it tends to escalate, it's good to start vigilant and conscientious in managing the food and beverages. Three types of these beverages contain a number of nutrients that are good for blood pressure.
Nonfat milk and Low Fat
The content of potassium and calcium needed for healthy blood pressure. Extra vitamin D in milk is also very good for blood pressure. Replace full cream milk with low fat or nonfat milk to make a quick darahlebih pressure drop. Thus the results of research conducted in 2009 British Journal of Nutrition. Arterial blood vessels are elastic, can widen and narrow to keep blood pressure. Full cream milk contains palmitic acid which could leave the plaque in blood vessels and makes blood pressure rise.
Hibiscus Tea
Shoes or hibiscus flower tea is very efficacious to lower blood pressure. Thus the results of research conducted in 2010 in the Journal of Nutrition. Diane L. McKay, Ph.D who do research believe that the anthocyanins and other antioxidants in the hibiscus work together to maintain blood pembukluh remain good. We recommend that you drink 3 cups per day. When brewing, let stand for 6 minutes for good results. Can be drunk hot or cold.
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice is the same efficacy with a red wine to lower blood pressure. This is revealed in research by 2010 in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry. Both the drink apple juice and chocolate also have antioxidant called proanthocyanidin known as ET-1 that play a role in maintaining blood vessel.
Friday, February 11, 2011
How to handle with Instant 8 Health Problems

Often we suffer health problems that require only simple treatment. There are a few tips to cure health problems instantly, as quoted by the Daily Mail.
1. Indigestion
Indigestion usually occurs after meals, especially at night due to stomach acid. When stomach pain, lie down with the body resting on the left. That way, the acid in the stomach will not go up into the throat and remain in the stomach. And, make sure the head is higher than for the body of the stomach acid does not rise to the surface.
2. Bathing and eating porridge relieve sunburn
Currently experiencing sunburn, immediately drinking ibuprofen to reduce pain. Next, bathe with cold water bath and eat a bowl of oatmeal. Wheat or oatmeal trapping moisture in the skin. If the skin blisters, soak a flannel cloth in water and vinegar and place it in the blister.
3. Honey to relieve hangover
Besides analgesics, honey is also able to relieve the pain of hangover.
Fructose or natural sugar helps process the alcohol more quickly and honey has the highest concentration of fructose. Besides honey, apples, cherries, grapes and tomatoes also has the same function.
4. Up the stairs to reduce pain due to high heels
Using a ladder to protect users of high heels from the Achilles tendon damage in the long term rather than using the elevator. When climbing stairs, press your heels for five seconds to reduce pain in the calf.
5. Espresso cure migraine
Migraine sufferers have a 'period prodome' about 8-12 hours before having suffered migraines. To prevent pain and expedite the flow of blood, drink a glass of espresso and a glass of water accompanied by moderate to heavy exercise for 20 minutes.
Water increases blood volume, whereas caffeine and exercise increase heart rate and more blood flow to the brain.
6. Avoid burping with open mouth
Belching is the result of the release of nitrogen digestion. Smoking, chewing gum or eating too fast, making more opportunities burp. Keeping your mouth open to help stop swallowing air, to reduce belching.
7. Rub vinegar on the wounds and insect stings
Clean the wound with cold water then apply the vinegar and put pressure on bleeding wounds. In a short time, the bleeding will stop because the vinegar has analgesic properties, antibacterial, and antiseptic and accelerate the healing process. In the case of insect stings, vinegar will draw out the sting and create humidity.
8. Soak the hands in cold water when sweating
Put your hands in cold water or ice water to stop sweat for 10 seconds. Therefore, the blood supply in the hands of large and arteries closest to the skin. Thus, immediately cool the blood to the heart and stop the hypothalamus gland sweat.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Disease Can Be Cured by Own Body

Not all diseases need drugs, because the body has natural mechanisms for healing several types of diseases. In order not to get caught up in drug consumption of excessive and irrational, identify the diseases that can heal itself.
Almost all types of diseases that are acute (short duration, not chronic) is self-limiting disease artau disease that will heal by itself. Some of them are triggered by disturbances in the human body's natural mechanism, but the majority are caused by viruses.
Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections can not be cured with antibiotics. Quoted from chestofbooks, Monday (07/01/2011), viral infections will heal by itself because the immune system will form the opposition to kill and get rid of these viruses.
Here are some types of diseases that include self-limiting disease and requires no special medication in addition to overcome the symptoms that accompany it.
1. Chickenpox
The disease is more frequently attacked small children is triggered by infection with varicella-zoster virus. Chickenpox or chickenpox symptoms include itchy, red bumps all over his body and accompanied by high fever.
Although in healthy children can be cured by itself, chicken pox can also cause deadly complications. It is estimated that within a year there are about 100 people were killed and more than 14,000 people hospitalized for chickenpox complications including asthma, pneumonia and dehydration from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Although the remains were given antiviral, treatment for this disease more intended to overcome the symptoms and prevent infection broadcaster. For example, lowering the heat to overcome the fever, calamine to reduce itching and antiseptic for bathing or cleaning the body.
2. Flu and colds
Common cold or flu is transmitted by the influenza virus, not by bacteria, such as that alleged by some people. Therefore, antibiotics do not need to be given if not accompanied by inflammation and fever, which indicated the presence of accompanying infection by bacteria.
Antibiotics are often of no use, because treatment is needed more on the flu and colds are symptomatic medications or reducing symptoms. For example, decongestants to relieve throat, allergy to sneezing and cough if required.
Multivitamin supplement is also important to be given under these conditions, because it can enhance the immune system or immune. Naturally, a healthy immune system by itself will form a resistance to the flu virus.
3. Coughing that is not accompanied by inflammation
Coughing is a natural mechanism in the body to remove foreign matter from the respiratory tract. Without having to be treated, usually coughing will stop when the stimulation of foreign body was gone.
New cough need antitussives or cough if very disturbing events and trigger inflammation because it does not heal.
This type of productive cough accompanied by phlegm that may not even be stopped, but need to be given or thinning phlegm expectorant for phlegm-phlegm spending could go more smoothly.
4. Nonspecific diarrhea
Diarrhea is divided into 2 types, namely specific diarrhea and nonspecific diarrhea. Specific diarrhea caused by bacterial infection, while nonspecific diarrhea is a natural mechanism to remove foreign objects that are considered dangerous by the digestive tract.
Specific Diarrhea is characterized by fever and was diagnosed based on laboratory examination. Drugs should be given to this one type of diarrhea is antibiotic, with the type and strength, adjusted for the type of bacteria in the test results.
While nonspecific diarrhea occurring among others after eating chili too much, do not need to be treated because it will heal by itself. During felt not too distracting activity, this condition is treated with oral rehydration salts for dehydration or anticipate the loss of body fluids.
5. Allergies itching
Although some types of antihistamines or allergy medications can be purchased freely, does not mean that this drug should be used every time you experience itching due to allergies. Allergic reactions occur only if there is a trigger factor, so the most appropriate step is to avoid things that trigger it.
Antihistamine drug should only be consumed if the allergy triggering factors is not inevitable, for example, cold weather. Certain types of foods can still be avoided if it is better to avoid it rather than having to take medication.
6. Acne white spots
Many are offering medicines to get rid of pimples or acne vulgaris in the face. And all along is not accompanied by infection, ordinary acne that often have white spots in it will be lost if the cleanliness and levels of oil on the skin surface is always in control.
Most of the acne can be caused by blockage of oil glands by dirt or used make-up is not cleaned. The function of the oil itself is keeping the skin moist so as not to dry and chapped.
7. Molluscum contagiosum
Skin disease characterized by bumps (papulla) clear and watery is caused by viral infections and more common in children than adults. Because it was also found around the genitals and can be transmitted through direct contact, the disease is often mistaken for sexually transmitted diseases.
Although not dangerous, the lumps that can rupture when scratched or carded so that opens the door for an infection in the scar. But for individuals with good immune system, skin diseases can be cured itself within 6-12 months.
8. Chikungunya
The disease is caused by a type of virus called alphaviruses and is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Symptoms include high fever accompanied by shivering until the bitter sense of pain until the muscle and bone so that bone is also called the flu.
Although the symptoms are very severe, the virus that causes the disease is not eradicated so that the medicine given only to manage symptoms such as fever were given to overcome the fever. Fortunately, these symptoms only last between 5-10 days and will heal by itself.
9. Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD)
Diseases hand, foot and mouth is caused by infection with various types of viruses from the family Picornaviridae especially enterovirus 71 (EV-71). The virus is more common in infants and young children, especially in the summer.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Babies Born Small risk of Diabetes As Adults

Malnutrition during pregnancy and premature birth can make a child born Dengah small weights. This condition can be dangerous because it was born with weight less than 2.5 kg could increase the child is suffering from diabetes and heart disease as adults.
Why do low-weight babies can get diabetes?
According to Professor of Human Ecology Faculty of IPB, Prof Ir H Hardiansyah, MS., PhD, babies born with low weight would have a small internal organs. Internal organs finally make the child unable to meet the needs of his body.
"If a small weight, the pancreas is also small and imperfect, and is unable to meet the body's insulin needs. Moreover, usually the birth parents are forcing small children to get fat when it entered the age of children and adolescents. It is increasingly unable to make ends meet organ her body, finally yes risky dangerous diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke, "said Prof. Hardiansyah, who is also General Chairman of Indonesian Food Pergizi," explained Prof. Hardiansyah, Monday (01/31/2011).
Babies with birth weight below 2500 grams (2.5 kg) including the low weight, whereas if the birth weight of less than 1,500 grams (1.5 kg) including the very low weight.
Factors causing the low-weight babies, among others, lack of nutrition during pregnancy, birth prematurely (premature) or because the pregnancy is indeed small.
"Lack of nutrition during pregnancy can make a child born with a small weight. If it weighs less than 2,500 grams, then when aged 35-45 years riskier get diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, the so-saving package for further toward nature," explains Prof. Hardiansyah.
Prof. Hardiansyah said that the ideal birth weight is 2.5 to 3 kg. Babies born with excess body weight was not good, because in addition to endangering the health of the baby alone, babies born too large can harm the mother.
"Her mother was so quick experiencing bone loss, because during pregnancy the need for zinc, iron, calcium and other nutrients absorbed by the fetus," explains Prof. Hardiansyah.
To that end, Prof. Hardiansyah said that the human diet for pregnant women is extremely important, both for mother and baby who.
"Pregnant women should eat if you were satisfied. Beda with adults and elderly people who have stopped eating before feeling full, pregnant women should stop eating when he felt satisfied," concludes Prof. Hardiansyah.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Body thin Operation not Safe for Men

Operation thin body most frequently performed liposuction, but not the mounting ring that makes the stomach smaller stomach volume. But this operation was not safe for men because of the risk of impotence.
Conversely in women, even gastric surgery mounting ring provides a positive impact especially on women who have trouble urinating or beser. This operation makes female patients who previously beser be better able to control urine.
The findings are revealed in a study in the Austin Hospital, Melbourne. The study included no fewer than 100 male and female patients who undergo surgery in order to lose weight.
Mounting ring gastric surgery would make the stomach volume smaller and quicker to feel full.
In men, this operation was made more difficult to erect penis, especially in men who already have a problem since the beginning of impotence.
Quoted from, Saturday (01/29/2011), the researchers do not know exactly why these operations reduces the ability of the penis to erection. Also unconfirmed whether this effect is permanent or just temporary, because more research is done.
A clear gender seems to be very influential, because some male patients who also experience beser not feel any impact as well as in women. The patient's urine was still irregular and difficult to control.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Medical Malpractice, Negligence, and Accidents

Differences malpractice by omission is very thin. Some experts even argue negligence is malpractice. Anesthesia specialist doctors graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Anny Isfandyarie, author of Legal Responsibilities and Sanctions for Doctor, clarify differences of malpractice and negligence.
Actions doctor who deliberately violate the law, such as abortion, euthanasia (suicide demand), and gives a false certificate or its contents does not match the actual situation. Done consciously. Actors do not care about the result though known his actions violated the law.
Unintentional actions, such as tertukarnya medical records, wrongly dissected, and forget to give information to patients. Of motive, doctors did not expect his actions arise as a result.
Medical Accidents
Unexpected events, actions are not intentional, the doctor had actually worked in accordance with professional standards and ethics of the medical profession, have to be careful, and consult with other specialists, if it is found that is not his forte. But there is also a result such as paralysis, disability and even death.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Automotive Workers Vulnerable Lung Cancer

The smokers, both active and passive, including the group most at risk of contracting lung cancer. Other groups are also prone to experience automotive workers who are often located in the garage. Why is that?
In addition to frequent inhaling exhaust emissions of motor vehicles, automotive workers are also faced with other materials that are not less dangerous in relation to cancer. Material in question is used as a layer of asbestos brake and clutch.
When the mechanical cleaning the drum and motor vehicle clutch home, dust and debris that asbestos fibers would be flying then inhaled. Asbestos dust can accumulate so that in the long term may increase the risk of cancer in the respiratory tract.
The risk could be even greater considering that most workshops do not have good air circulation. Recent data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows, 66 percent shop in the United States have asbestos-contaminated air above the safe limit because they have no ventilation.
The use of asbestos by the automotive industry actually has been warned by the EPA since the 1970s, but the material is still in use today because the votes do something different. Of them more resistant to heat and more stable than other materials such as rubber and plastic.
Quoted from Seedol, Sunday (01/23/2011), type of lung cancer that is often plagued automotive worker is Malignant mesothelioma. This type of cancer attacks the thin layer that surrounds vital organs including the lungs and most are triggered by asbestos.
As with other types of lung cancer, early symptoms Malignant mesothelioma is often not detected. Before the already severe, automotive workers or anyone that intersect with asbestos dust should be checked out if it starts to cough or have other respiratory complaints.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
How Long Does Flu Germs Survive Outside the Body?

Known flu germs spread easily in air and can infect anyone who has a weak immune system. But really how long this flu germs can survive outside the body?
To determine how long the flu germs can survive outside the body was varied and depending on where the droplets of liquid or air containing these germs fall.
As quoted from the Mayo Clinic on Wednesday (01/19/2011), some experiments showed a potential survival time of these flu germs from a few minutes to 48 hours or more depending on the surface of what the container fall of liquid droplets containing the virus. As for knowing how long these germs capable of infecting humans in everyday life is more difficult to resolve.
Researchers have repeatedly found that flu germs is generally on much longer if dropped on the surface of stainless steel, plastic or other hard surface, than if he fell on the cloth or a soft surface.
In addition, several other factors also affect how long the flu germs can remain active outside the body, such as the number of viruses that exist on the surface, temperature and humidity environment.
The important thing to note is that the flu virus spreads, especially when someone who is not infected had direct contact such as a handshake with an infected person. While other distribution occurred indirectly, such as rubbing the nose after handling an item that contains germs flu.
One of the best ways to avoid germs flu or a cold is frequent hand washing with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Also try to stop the bad habit of rubbing his eyes or bite your nails.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sleeping with the Lights Burning Increase Diabetes Risk

Turning off lights during night sleep not only saves electricity bills, but also good for health. Recent research shows that sleeping in a room brightly lit conditions can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.
The study was conducted by Joshua Gooley, health experts from Harvard Medical School in Boston. In experiments conducted 5 consecutive days, the Gooley involving 116 participants aged between 18-30 years.
The participants were divided into 2 groups, one of which is conditioned to be in the room is brightly lit for 8 hours before bedtime. The other group was placed in a dim room with the same duration of 8 hours.
The result of examination of blood samples taken every 30 minutes showed the hormone melatonin production down 50 percent in participants who were in a bright environment. These hormones regulate related biological clock cycles between asleep and awake.
Besides triggering sleepiness, melatonin is also associated with some types of serious illnesses. Melatonin receptors located in nerve mentioned could increase the risk of cancer and type 2 diabetes if their activity is reduced.
"The study provides a big impact for night workers who are exposed to light throughout the night and then take a nap when the sun shines bright," Gooley said as quoted from HealthDay, Monday (17/01/2011).
However, Gooley can not explain with certainty the relationship between melatonin receptor activity with an increased risk of cancer and diabetes. The mechanisms that cause both new interconnected Gooley will be revealed in subsequent research.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Drinking Coffee Reduces Pain during exercise
Drinking coffee may be the last thing people think before exercise, but this drink turned out to help prevent the pain caused when exercising.
A study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise describing experiments conducted to prove it. One group of female respondents were given caffeine (in two different doses) and other groups were given drinks that do not mention sex one hour before exercise bike for 30 minutes. Muscle pain that occurs at the foot of the group who consumed caffeine was reduced by 33-46 percent.
"Caffeine blocks the chemical driving force of pain, called adenosine, and not depending on the dose," said study author, Robert Motl from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. However, it is said also that people who already drink a certain amount of caffeine every day may not be experiencing the effects of the removal of the same pain.
Drinking coffee before doing strength training can make you able to lift the load a little easier. The proof is done through other research methods. In a study published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, described how 37 people were taking pills that do not mention the type, or supplement of caffeine equivalent to two cups of coffee as much as 236 ml. An hour later, after doing bench press, those who consume caffeine are able to lift weights 2.2 kg heavier than those taking pills.
"Caffeine can help you achieve better muscle activation, and it helps you lift more weight," said Travis Beck, leader of the study came from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
When done regularly, heavier strength training will produce more muscle mass and reduce body fat in total.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Lose 10% Weight Loss Can Minimize Risk 4 Illness

For people who have excess weight quickly perform a gradual weight loss. With an ideal weight is not only beneficial to the body shape. Because the lower 10 percent of excess body weight can reduce disease risk 4.
"No one can climb the mountain in one big step, but what is needed is a series of small steps until it reaches the top," said Travis Stork, MD, of the physical faculty of Vanderbilt Medical Center, as quoted from, Friday (14 / 1 / 2011).
Stork said in making small steps such a person will get a very big impact in terms of appearance, health and also life. A British study called Counterweight Programme see the impact and strength of changes in body weight by 10 percent.
If someone is obese successfully eliminate 10 percent of their body weight then he would get benefits like:
1. Opportunities 31 percent lower risk of diabetes
2. Opportunities 20 percent lower risk levels of blood fats (cholesterol), high
3. Opportunities 25 percent lower risk of high blood pressure
4. Opportunities 21 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease including coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke and heart attack.
A study in 2009 which was published in The Lancet showed that normal weight is something that is expected someone to be able to live 10 years longer. Because it was the decade that needed someone to be able to relax with your husband or wife and be acquainted with his grandchildren someday.
"I do not want someone on a diet to lose weight, but rather refers to making food choices and activities and not on the meal plan restrictions that could be more dangerous," said Stork.
Stork revealed identical diet by restricting calories, which means lower metabolism in the body to determine the long badanjangka weight. On a diet will send signals to the body to slow the body's metabolism if starving and hold on to existing energy reserves.
What is even worse is if the person continuing food shortages will make the body burn muscle tissue as well as create increased visceral fat which thus becomes an enemy to the body.
For that drastic weight loss does not provide benefits for the body and health as well, but if done in stages that is equal to 10 percent of their body weight a person can get multiple benefits.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Good Habits to Maintain Heart Health

To be able to get a long life, the heart is one organ that absolutely must be kept healthy. Heart disorders can be deadly, so prevention becomes the wisest step to avoid sudden death from heart attack.
Holly Andersen, a researcher from the Ronald O Perelman Heart Institute in New York, explains some good habits that can be applied in everyday life for awake cardiac health. Starting from the trivial things such as walking up to find the vital numbers.
Quoted from Indiavision, Thursday (1/13/2011), the following good habits in question.
1.Know the vital figures
Before there was a problem with the heart, it's good to know the important numbers that are indicators of heart health. Among these are blood pressure, pulse rate, levels of total fat, cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. Walk
The flurry of activity that is always solid and should not be a reason for not exercising. Every now and then leave a private vehicle and walked toward the nearest bus stop to ride public transportation to the office. Simply by walking for 20-30 minutes a day, the risk of premature death from heart attack can be reduced by 50 percent.
3. Laugh as often as possible
Even if to just walk away just still hard to take the time, try to laugh more often. Speaking of burning calories, laughed uproariously for 15 minutes can be synchronized with the aerobics for 30 minutes. Laughter also suppress the release of the stress hormone cortisol, so that more blood pressure under control.
4. Note the waist circumference
The mistake that often happens is that people are too worried about weight, whereas the risk factors of metabolic syndrome and heart problems more precisely associated with waist circumference. Central obesity or belly fat fatty liver indicate that causes cholesterol levels difficult to control.
5. Enough sleep
Staying up late into the night not only makes the body feel tired the next day. Lack of sleep also can increase stress and blood pressure so that it can give a bad impact on heart health. It seems trivial but adequate rest is an important requirement that must be met if you want to live long.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Do Not Leave Breakfast If Won't Baldy

Different ways people do to prevent hair loss and baldness. But experts recommend some simple ways if you do not want bald, that is eating peanuts and do not leave the breakfast.
Good news for bald men who fear that scientists have discovered the cause of baldness, that is the gene that causes the failure of production and development of hair cells.
But unfortunately, there is no way of treatment that really works to overcome them. Moreover, while genes play a major role in hair loss, many men do not realize that their daily habits can aggravate the problem of baldness.
Dailymail Launched on Monday (1/11/2011), hair restoration surgeon from the UK to provide some simple steps to help reduce hair loss, namely:
1. Do not miss breakfast time
Hair consists of keratin, a substance that gave her strength. Too little protein will affect the level of keratin, causing hair to lose power and stop growing.
"Breakfast is the perfect time to increase the protein in the body, with foods such as fish, eggs, chicken, red meat," says Philip Kingsley, consultant trichologist.
2. Eating nuts
Lack of iron can cause hair loss. If you do not have enough iron, the ferritin levels will drop, which is an iron storage molecule in the body.
This in turn will interfere with normal hair growth and increases hair loss. Eat iron-rich foods such as nuts, red meat, dark green vegetables and dried fruits, this will help reduce excessive hair loss.
3. Stop smoking
Research shows that smoking can also trigger hair loss. This is because smoking can cause damage to blood vessels and damage the blood supply to hair follicles. So quitting smoking is one way to prevent baldness.
4. Relax
Have excess male hormones may not sound like a bad thing, but testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can have adverse effects on certain parts of the hair follicle.
The hormone is absorbed into the hair shaft and causes hair to become thinner. After the hair to shrink, with a certain diameter will stop growing entirely. When men are stressed, your body will produce more hormones and tend to make hair fall out. So try to relax.
5. Do not comb out loud
Combing the hair with a hard to scratch the scalp and hair pulled out from the roots and damage the hair follicle. "It's important to treat your scalp gently while shampooing, and do not pull your hair with a brush or comb," said Dr. Bessam Farjo, hair restoration surgeon from Manchester.
6. Do not dye your hair
Studies also show that the dyes containing the chemical para-phenylenediamine (PPD) can cause severe allergic reactions and dermatitis, which can cause damage to the scalp and hair follicles.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
When Men Stop Wet Dream?

Men can indeed continue to produce sperm until old age. But not with wet dreams erotic dreams under certain circumstances this can be stopped. When will men stop a wet dream?
In theory, wet dreams or erotic dreams that end with ejaculation experienced by men as a marker of the arrival of puberty. Wet dream signifies that the function of male reproductive system to produce sperm cells has been running.
Each period, sperm maturation and would have expelled naturally through wet dreams. Sperm can also be out before the time when men engage in sexual activities that end in orgasm for example, masturbation and intercourse (coitus).
Therefore, the frequency of wet dream would be reduced significantly if a man become sexually active. The more often men intercourse or masturbation, wet dreams will happen even more rarely can be stopped altogether if the sperm is always removed by force.
Dr David Delvin, reproductive health experts in Britain say most of the men most often experience a wet dream in their teens to 30s. The more parents will increasingly rare experience, although some men can routinely wet dreams until the age of the 70s years.
Because sperm production is never limited by age, basically a healthy male can have wet dreams at any age to pick her death. It's just that at a certain age, men will marry and become more sexually active so that by itself will decrease the frequency of wet dreams.
Sexual activity is not only to increase in married men, even if mostly bachelor men masturbate so rarely or never wet dream. In fact, according to research only 13 percent of men who ejaculated first through a wet dream, the rest are familiar masturbate before getting wet dream.
Some men troubled by wet dreams
Although the form of erotic dreams, the fact that not all men really enjoy the experience of wet dreams. At least, some men will complain when you wake up and find patches of sperm everywhere, including pants, and mattress.
"Nothing can be done to stop a wet dream except to increase sexual activity. If spotting sperm disturbing, use a pair of shorts and go get a tissue or small towel on the bed," says Dr Delvin as quoted from Netdoctor, Tuesday (01/11/2011 .)
Another reason that makes him feel uncomfortable when having a wet dream is the dream afraid of things that are considered taboo. For example, men who live in certain norms to be afraid of pressure wet dream because it was always dreaming of sex with same sex or with their own relatives (incest).
For this type of disturbance like this, Dr Delvin recommend consulted with a psychiatrist. Various therapies including hypnosis can be done to uncover the psychological issues behind the dream and fantasy that happens to control the subconscious.
Monday, January 10, 2011
When Ear Ringing Suddenly

Sudden ear ringing may often be experienced by some people. Although not severe, but this condition can be very annoying especially when you're busy activity. What cause?
The sudden ear ringing is known in the medical world with tinnitus, symptoms due to problems in the ear or brain. About 10 to 15 percent of the population in the world often experience this condition.
Tinnitus is a ringing or other type of sound that seems to come from the ear or head. In many cases tinnitus is not a serious problem, but rather a disorder that can eventually be overcome.
Although tinnitus is not no cure for various causes, but good care and treatment can help manage the condition.
Sudden ringing in the ears is often sounded like a phone ringing or other sounds such as hissing, whistling, buzzing or roaring. People who suffer from it can hear the sound ringing with high or low tone.
Reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (01/08/2011), tinnitus can occur for many reasons, among others:
1. Damage to the tiny hairs in the ear
2. Meniere's disease, namely disorders because of pressure of fluid
in the inner ear, usually accompanied by vertigo (headache seemed to revolve).
3. Overdose of drugs such as aspirin
4. Disorders of blood vessels in the ear
5. Hearing loss
6. Loud voice
7. The presence of infection in the ear
There is no specific treatment for tinnitus. Sometimes the disease goes away by itself or even the opposite is permanently disabled.
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, in patients with chronic tinnitus, hearing aids, cochlear implants, and counseling can help improve the tone of voice and relieve tinnitus suffered.
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